Local Economy Solutions Limited
Local area regeneration and tackling disadvantage
Gloucester Economic Assessment (Gloucester City Council) identifying the current and future prospects for the Gloucester economy and residents living within Gloucester.
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The report draws on a wide range of available data and projections in order to identify the current and future prospects for the Gloucester economy and residents living within Gloucester. The purpose of the economic assessment was to set out a detailed and clear analysis of key aspects of the Gloucester labour market and economy in order to inform the economic strategy for the City.
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Supporting the development of a Floor Target Implementation Plan for Worklessness for Stoke-on-Trent (RENEW North Staffordshire) to support the development of a Floor Target Improvement Plan for worklessness and wider economic development indicators in the city.
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The purpose of the study was to provide a detailed analysis of local economic performance within Stoke-on-Trent in order to support the development of a Floor Target Improvement Plan for worklessness and wider economic development indicators in the city.
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Vulnerable Young people (Connexions): A study undertaken in conjunction with the former Regional Centre for Neighbourhood Renewal to inform strategy and service provision in relation to vulnerable young people in North London.
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In conjunction with the Regional Centre for Neighbourhood Renewal was undertaken a programme of research work for Connexions in North London to inform strategy and service provision in relation to vulnerable young people.
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Vulnerable young people in Waltham Forest (Waltham Forest Council) The study was undertaken in order to support the more effective planning and targeting of services for young people at a local level.
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This project involved the compilation of a profile of vulnerable young people in Waltham Forest on behalf of Waltham Forest Council to support the more effective planning and targeting of services at a local level.
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A review of the adequacy of ethnicity related information in Birmingham held by organisations in Birmingham (Birmingham Race Action Partnership)
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The project involved completion of a review of the adequacy of ethnicity related information held by organisations in Birmingham. This included a detailed review of a wide range of social and economic information with an ‘ethnicity’ dimension held and used by Birmingham City Council, the LSC, West Midlands Police, Ambulance Service, Further & Higher Education establishments and others, including information relating to refugees and asylum seekers. A summary of this report was subsequently published by BRAP
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Birmingham and Solihull Homeless Employment Strategy (Birmingham City Council) A forward plan detailing a future strategy for developing and coordinating provision of employment support to homeless people in Birmingham.
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The main purpose of this research and consultancy project was to develop a forward plan detailing a future strategy for developing and coordinating provision of employment support to homeless people in Birmingham. The main outcome from the project was the development of proposals for a partnership "model" for the planning and delivery of employment support services for homeless people. This involved an extensive consultation process involving key strategic and voluntary sector partners in order to develop a consensus on both the partnership approach and methods of operation.
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